/* Admin CSS */ #color-picker-example { float: left; border: 1px solid #c3c3c3; padding: 15px 15px 20px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; background-color: #f8f8f8; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); margin: 10px 0 10px 10px; } #tc-footer { margin-top: 15px; color: #7b7b7b; margin-bottom: -10px; font-size: 11px; } #color-container { min-width: 690px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #d9d9d9; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; padding-right: 15px; } #example-post { display: block; padding: 10px; color: #ffffff; width: 155px; height: 155px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; line-height: 15px; background-color: #afe2f8; } #example-tile { text-transform: uppercase; font: normal normal 28px; margin-bottom: 10px; } #category-list { float: left; margin-left: 20px; overflow: auto; } #category-list li { padding: 5px 10px; margin-bottom: 0; list-style: none; } .tile-colors { width: 100%; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); border-radius: 5px; } .tile-colors thead { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.47); } .tile-colors th { line-height: 26px; } .tile-colors input { width: auto; } .tile-colors td { padding: 5px; } .tc-note { padding: 8px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; background-color: #fffdeb; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #edd500; clear: both; } .post-slides { margin-top: 10px; padding: 15px; background: #11b59f; color: #fff; border-radius: 10px; } .post-slides-button { display: block; font-size: 16px; width: 140px; text-align: center; padding: 10px 20px; background: #fff; color: #11b59f; margin-top: 10px; text-decoration: none; } .image-anchor { display: inline-block; width: 48.5%; margin-right: 2%; } .image-anchor:last-child { margin-right: 0; } .image-anchor img { width: 100%; border-radius: 5px; } .post-slides p, .post-slides h3 { color: #fff; } .post-slides h3 { margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px; font-size: 40px; font-weight: 100; } #donate-box { font-size: 11px; padding: 10px; background-color: #f7f7f7; border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; margin: 10px 0 0; color: #707070; } #donate-box h3 { margin: 0; font-size: 16px; } #donate-box form { text-align: center; float: right; } .category-key-list-item { overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 0; border-top: 1px solid #dbdbdb; margin-top: 0; padding: 10px; } #category-list ul li:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #f7f7f7; } .small-input { width: 95px; } #animation-style { width: 96px; } #submit-button { padding-top: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #dbdbdb; padding-bottom: 10px; } .category-key-radio { float: left; padding-top: 7px; padding-right: 20px; } .category-key-admin { float: left; } #category-list ul li hr { clear: both; border-top: 1px dashed #c9c9c9; } /* End Admin CSS */ /* Frontend CSS */ #post-tiles-container { padding-top: 15px; } ul#post-tiles { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 5px 0; overflow: auto; } ul#post-tiles li { margin: 0 5px 5px 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; float: left; overflow: hidden; } ul#post-tiles li a { display: block; padding: 10px; color: #ffffff; /* width: 155px; height: 155px;*/ position: relative; z-index: 100; margin-top: 0px; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; } ul#post-tiles li.news-image a{ margin-top: -178px; margin-left: -170px; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } ul#post-tiles li a h3{ margin: 0 0 10px; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 14px; color: #ffffff; line-height: 17px; letter-spacing: 0; } ul#post-tiles li a p { margin: 0; color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; } ul#post-tiles li a:hover { background: url(plus.png) no-repeat 100% 100%; } #category-key { overflow: auto; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; padding-bottom: 10px; } #category-key a{ display: block; float: left; padding: 5px 10px; color: #ffffff; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 12px; } #category-all { border: 1px solid #b1b1b1; color: #888888 !important; padding: 4px 10px !important; } li.featured-image.static-over a { top: 0; } li.featured-image.up a { top: 100%; } li.featured-image.down a { bottom: 105%; } li.featured-image.left a { right: 105%; } li.featured-image.right a { left: 105%; } li.featured-image.fade a, li.featured-image.static-hide a { left: 105%; display: none; } li.featured-image a{ background: url(plus.png) no-repeat 100% 100%; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.62); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.62); box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.62); } /* @group Pagination */ .posttiles-pagination { display: block; overflow: auto; padding-bottom: 14px; } .posttiles-pagination a { display: block; float: left; display: block; float: left; padding: 4px 10px; margin-right: 5px; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #b1b1b1; color: #888888; } .posttiles-pagination a { } .posttiles-pagination span { display: block; float: left; display: block; float: left; padding: 4px 10px; margin-right: 5px; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #d3d3d3; color: #d3d3d3; } /* @end */ /* Add retina display plus icon */ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), screen and (max-moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2){ li.featured-image a { background: url(plus_402x.png) no-repeat 100% 100%; background-size: 33px 33px; } ul#post-tiles li a:hover { background: url(plus_402x.png) no-repeat 100% 100%; background-size: 33px 33px; } } /* Responsive Code */ ul#post-tiles.responsive li a, ul#post-tiles.responsive-mobile li a { width: 90%; height: 90%; padding: 5% 5% 5% 5%; position: relative; } ul#post-tiles.responsive li { margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 10px; } ul#post-tiles.responsive.tiles-large li:nth-child(4n+4) { margin-right: 0px; } ul#post-tiles.responsive.tiles-medium li:nth-child(2n+2) { margin-right: 0px; } /* End Frontend CSS */